
Vegland is a state based on unity of worldview and lifestyle and united everybody who accepted the principles of non-violence and non-violent food into their lives and besides are aware of their social responsibility for the increased environmental burden of industrial livestock production, which is one of the world’s main sources of CO2 emissions leading to irreversible climate change.

Our goal is creating a completely new universal model of human community based on ethical principles, collaboration and mutual assistance for transition of our civilization to the new level of development and prosperity in harmony and unity.


1. Non-violence

The main principle of our project is a principle of sanctity of any living creatures’ life. That’s why all the participants of our project might be ethical vegetarians.

Non-violence also means giving up all the forms and types of conflicts between countries, confessions and other types of human communities except for the necessity to protect your own or someone’s life when there’s no other choice.

Principle of non-violence applies to all the types of interpersonal communication, both in collaborative activity and in private life.

2. Altruism

The activity of the participants of our project is always aimed at helping all the humanity and separate people we can be useful, starting with our family members and everybody around us.

However, it’s important to remember that helping others shouldn’t break the balance of maintaining personal resources, and charity shouldn’t be to the detriment of your family members.

The best form of helping someone is a personal example of compliance with the rules and principles we proclaim in our project as its point and ground.

3. Freedom

Individual freedom as an obligatory condition for any living creature’s development is a key parameter in all aspects of our project.

Respect for the right to the freedom of our dearest and nearest, our colleagues and so on is an essential part of following principle of non-violence.

Right to the individual freedom may not break other principles of our project and limit someone’s freedom.

4. Voluntariness

All the participants of project take part in it by choice and may stop their participation at any moment. This decision should be announced in advance, because it will give your colleagues an opportunity to replace eliminated participants.

5. Ecological compatibility

Principles of ecology of life, human and nature are fundamental for our project and its participants as a continuation of principle of non-violence, also towards yourself.

Observation of a balance, careful attitude to the surrounding space and basics of its existence.

Holistic perception of the world and processes taking place in it.

6. Development

The goal of the project and its participants is a personal and overall development. Our project is aimed at the future that we create in the present on the basis of past.

7. Unity

Principle of unity is at the heart of everything we do, strive for and are guided by.

Unity of heart and mind.

Unity of human and environment.

Unity of all the people and all the living creatures.

Unity of separate consciousness and consciousness of the universe.

Our project is not and cannot be a tool for the implementation of goals, it doesn’t express interests of any political and religious organizations and movements, of separate social and ethnic groups.

All the participants of the project should follow the principle of non-violence in their lifestyle and environmental regulations towards the world. And this is the only common feature for everybody who takes part in our project.

You can read more about our lifestyle in the manifesto of the project.

Participation in the project is voluntary, it doesn’t impose any obligations on participants. At any time, a person may stop his or her participation in the project.


All the organizational structures and project staff should follow these rules:

  • Non-participation in any ethnic, religious, racial conflicts as initiating parties
  • Non-participation in any organizations, groups and communities which initiate and promote violence and conflicts between people
  • Giving up any forms of assistance to people, groups, communities and organizations which promote or initiate violence and conflicts between people.

For all the participants of the project and for the project as a whole:

1. Harmonious combination of individual freedom and public interests without any damage to both sides.

2. Balance between overall and personal development and distribution of all types of resources, primarily – the resource of time.

3. Openness and complete communications in all aspects of the participation in the project.

4. Absence of any hierarchical organizational relationships.

5. Giving up any direct or indirect forms or kinds of awards connected with your status and professional opportunities as a participant of the project.

6. Transparency and openness of participant’s activity in all structures of the project and all its processes.

7. Non-use of status of the participant of the project for public declaration of your personal views and convictions which are not connected with goals and principles of our project.

8. Non-use of opportunities and status of the participant of the project in your own goals or in other people’s goals which are not connected with our project and don’t correspond with its tasks.

9. Initiative and regular feedback in all processes and forms of the participation in the project.


1. Having a meaningful goal which gives sense, energy and inspiration in everyday activity and in life as a whole.

2. Personal development of any participant through the opportunities which our project offers.

3. Provision of necessary and sufficient quality of life for yourself and your disabled family members under your care.

4. Professional development and education both within your direct activity in the project and in any other directions which the project supports.

5. Work and life among adherents in a comfortable and safe social environment from the point of view of ecology and human relations.

6. Activities that ensure progress of all humanity in the present and safe and comfortable future to our immediate descendants.

7. Support of adherents and availability of all types of resources for any useful endeavors and initiatives which correspond with goals and tasks of our project.

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