
Suryaville, the International Commonwealth of Eco-cities

The project is based on methods, concepts and trends in alternative forms of development in human civilization: eco-settlements, permaculture, organic farming, alternative energy, non-money based economy, healthy lifestyle, spiritual and physical development practices, futurology, social visionary, concepts of Jacques Fresco, Peter Joseph, Ken Wilber, Clare Graves and his followers, as well as positive and social psychology, sociology, etc.

Today, about 50% of the world’s population lives in cities, while the part o humanity most prepared for change is:

Countries in which a significant part of society has already transitioned to the upper levels of Maslow’s pyramid of needs, that is, spiritual needs: cognition, self-actualization, self-expression, self-identification. These are countries of Western and parts of Eastern Europe, the USA, Canada, Australia, N. Zealand, Japan, and South Korea. In these countries, charity and the preservation of the environment are highly developed. State structures are under the control of society and respond to current needs of society. These are countries with “urban” civilization. A significant part of the population is concentrated in cities, and urban culture and lifestyle determine the entire socio-economic structure of these countries.

Countries that are approaching this model of society or have sociocultural traditions favourable to the implementation of the project on their territories (such as a tolerant social atmosphere), for example, some Eastern European countries, India, and Brazil, where the urban lifestyle is also gradually becoming the dominant trend.

Accordingly, it is precisely the format of eco-cities that will be most in demand and readily accepted by potential project participants, as it will be more familiar and won’t require the fundamental paradigm and lifestyle change associated with eco-settlements, and their rural way of life.

The goal of the project is to change existing realities, and not try to immediately radically confront them.

An eco-city, in the generally accepted meaning of the term, is a city designed taking into account the impact on the environment, inhabited by people seeking:

– Compliance with the principle of reasonable sufficiency in the consumption of energy, water and food,

– Exclusion of excessive heat, pollution of air, soil and water.

In our project, the concept of ecology also includes the ecology of human relations and the rejection of any form of violence, including against animals.

An eco-city can meet the needs of residents with minimal dependence on external sources, using internally produced resources, and receive energy through clean renewable sources.

Parameters for the construction of an eco-city:

  • A potential population of at least 500 people (300 households). To start construction, at least 100 candidates are required who have confirmed their participation in the project and made a preliminary contribution to the creation of a common infrastructure.
  • Area of at least 200 Hectares
  • A complete set of title documents for land ownership and permits for construction and land management.

The choice of location and conditions for the construction of an eco-city

The location is selected for construction by the initiative group and approved by the international coordination centre.

Land for construction can be transferred to the project by a state or organization as support for the project or acquired by the project from the general project development fund.

A place for construction is selected according to the following criteria:

  • Maximum distance from any sources of environmental pollution
  • Suitable climatic conditions
  • The availability of sufficient supplies of clean fresh water in nearby bodies of water and / or underground tanks
  • Suitability for agricultural activities
  • Loyal attitude of the local population and authorities
  • Availability of local building materials
  • The possibility for construction of a transport infrastructure

Further details can be found on the website

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